Positive Gains for Small to Medium Sized Business towards the end of 2021

Yuan's Monthly Business Insights - Financing Growth

Most of 2021 has been a challenging year. While many businesses that was highly leveraged did not manage to survive, many learned new ways to pivot and adopt technology.

During lockdowns in NSW, many business focused on upgrading their business and/or improving their marketing. This long period has been a wake up call for business owners to be more financially strategic with their debt and spending.

Luckily, 85% of the applications that came through VFS Lending were business owners that were careful with managing their debt or pivoted well to acquire outgoing competitors.

Over the last four weeks bettween October & November, businesses has shifted up a gear towards growth.

Most of our clients have received overdrafts or line of credit averaging $250,000 with only an annual fee of $395 averaging around a simple interest of 15%pa Unsecured. That’s right, they can’t afford to risk their homes secured against a loan during a pandemic.

It has been great to suppport the businesses in our community and eager to see them enjoy some fantastic revenue going into the holiday season. Especially with more freedom.

  • Growth through innovation/creativity:
    Rather than just delivering a loan, we help you understand the potential of smart debt. We work with you to ensure the financing options are strategically selected towards your overall goals.
  • Increased profits:
    A good understanding of financial products, its features and costs means you can obtain “Smart Money”. We will walk you through the available options to ensure you can confidently select a viable and profitable option.
  • Good financial footprint:
    We always consider your future success by ensuring you understand the steps necessary to build a strong foundation for bigger and better finance.
  • Strategic support:
    In supporting your overall business growth, we have internal specialists and partners that are experts in delivering the most optimal outcome. Experience, expertise enables us to be agile in supporting clients of all sizes.

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